Why people give up?

crazy ceo why people give up
One reason is a lack of motivation, which can make it hard to maintain the necessary effort to achieve a task or goal. Additionally, people may give up because they are afraid of failure, either because they worry about not living up to their own standards or those of others.
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We are all bad in someone’s story

crazy ceo , crazyceo madness of an accidental entrepreneur
No matter how much we strive for excellence, there will always be someone who perceives us as the antagonist of their story. It is not uncommon for our actions to be the root cause of this perception. However, it is equally plausible for it to stem from our misplaced faith in someone else. Regardless of the reasons, we find ourselves in the undesirable position of being the villain in someone else’s narrative.
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Donate Red, spread green, save blue!

crazy ceo , crazyceo madness of an accidental entrepreneur
Imagine a world where every person, every community, every nation is actively engaged in making the world a better place to live in. A world where colors come together to create a beautiful canvas of love, compassion, and sustainability. This is the world we can build by following three simple actions: Donate Red, Spread Green, and Save Blue.
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